
December 2, 2020

Access Control Systems And Mobile Credentials Can Help With Contact Tracing

Using a variety of physical access control systems will allow large-scale facility management to quickly and accurately determine where a sick person has traveled throughout the building.

Right now, what are you doing when someone in your building gets Covid-19? If you manage a large facility, with multiple entrances and exits and hundreds of rooms, how do you accurately contact trace? How can you begin to understand who might need to be tested and quarantined? How will you know where to deep clean and sanitize?

From what we’ve seen, contact tracing is still rather low tech. Contact tracing begins with asking people where they’ve been. But memories are flawed and there will always be something or someone that slips through the cracks. Employees might not remember a trip to the 3rd floor vending machine or where they filled their water bottle.

The use of mobile credentials for physical access control can greatly improve contact tracing. Using mobile credentials for entrances, to book conference rooms, and for secure access will allow facility management to pinpoint where people may have come into contact with a sick employee or visitor. This type of tracking can also be accomplished with key cards and key fobs. The biggest argument for mobile access is that people don’t often forget their phone, but keycards and fobs can be easily misplaced.

Physical access control should be understandable and manageable. One Source Security can assist facility management teams with setting up and implementing these digital intelligence tools.


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